Our clients entrust us with more than 900 authorizations annually.
Homepage About us History

Our history

  • 1980

    1982 - Year of foundation

    1987 - 1st employee

    1989 - Conversion into a GmbH (Ltd)

  • 1990

    1995 - Development of a database which contains and manages all data and processes

    1996 - Award Entrepreneur of the Year‘ in recognition of implementing the service ‚Relocation‘ in Germany

    1999 - Extended German-wide operation

  • 2000

    2005 - Joint venture with an international immigration supplier

    2007 - Handling various high volume mandates nationwide

    2009 - EuRA Certification

  • 2010

    2010 - Start of global coverage

    2010 - ISO Certification

    2013 - EuRA / ISO Re-Certification, Handling of a Group Move

    2014 - Appointment of Managing Director into the Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce, Frankfurt

    2016 - First in the industry to receive the EuRA 2016 Global Quality Seal and be succesfully audited at the new ISO 9001:2015 norm


Why Professional Organizing:

  • Our company name is our programme: you book professionalism with us – demonstrated by our practical and customer-oriented solutions
  • The know-how of our continously trained and experienced staff guarantees short replytime to your enquiry as well as flexible and non-bureaucratic cooperation.
  • Our actions are characterized by empathy and the spirit to offer more than what is expected.
  • We are totally independent and cover your interests only.
  • We consider ourselves as an important partner for small and medium sized companies and consider a cooperation as obligation and honor.
  • We know the values of our clients – and act accordingly.

Quality made by Professional Organizing

Professional Organizing is a member of EuRA (European Relocation Association) and is bound their ethics and rules of conduct.
Professional Organizing is a member of EuRA (European Relocation Association) and is bound their ethics and rules of conduct.